Sunday, September 22, 2024


Aftan: Corruption accusation to EM to be Correct or incorrect

 Aftan: Corruption accusation to EM to be Correct or incorrect

Aftan: Corruption accusation to EM to be "Correct or incorrect"

Baghdad ( The Electricity Minister, Karim Aftan, stated that the accusations of some officials over corruption in the Ministry might be “Correct or incorrect.”

Speaking to Iraqi News ( , he stated “What was mentioned in the parliament session over corruption issues in the EM is just an accusation and it might be correct or incorrect but we will be sure about it and will punish any neglectful officials.”

“We realized a clear interest of the parliament by the questions over the electricity issues and this shows the parliament devotion to this important sector which will lead to improve its level,” he added.

“The Ministry set a plan to execute the projects that are under construction and to rehabilitate the current station that is in the service in addition to follow up some other strategic projects,” he pointed out.

Earlier, the parliament questioned Aftan in its session held on last Monday to discuss the performance of the electricity ministry in Iraq.

A source from the Iraqiya Slate, that Aftan belongs to, stated that “The IS held a meeting and asked electricity minister to resign from office before the end of this month; otherwise, the IS will have to question him at the start of the next legislative term because of his non-integrated program besides that his answers during the Parliament session which hosted him were very weak and frustrating to IS.”