Sunday, September 22, 2024


Mahdawi urges IC to investigate accusations about corruption in Anbar

Anbar ( The Governor of Anbar Qasim Mohammed al-Fahdawi asked the Integrity Committee in parliament to form a special investigation committee to make sure about the accusations of corruption against him or in the province.

He said in news conference attended by the correspondent of Iraqi News ( Thursday “We call on the Integrity Parliamentary Commission to form a committee to make sure if there are any corruption files against me or in the province or not,” noting that “Foreign agendas stand behind the responsible sides for raising these issues.”

He added “It is my legal right to file a lawsuit on the effects of this case and prosecute the newspaper that published these accusations,” denying at the same time, “directing any accusations or abusing the right of any member of parliament or a Minister.”

He accused “Some parties of trying to disturb the relations between the province and Baghdad to return Anbar to square one of the deterioration of security and poor services.”

The head of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee Ahmed al-Jubouri has revealed to ( that “The Committee has Information about the existence of administrative and financial corruption files against, Fahdawi, and that after examination of the file by the Committee, it was referred to the Integrity Commission to determine the legal procedures and the completion of investigation.” /End /