Sunday, September 29, 2024


Kurdistan Region MP criticizes Maliki’s visit to Kirkuk

 Kurdistan Region MP criticizes Maliki’s visit to Kirkuk

Baghdad ( MP, Mahdi Haji, of the Kurdistani Alliance criticized the visit of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to Kirkuk and holding the meeting of the Council of Ministers in the province on last Tuesday, describing the visit as “Provocative.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “Iraq is currently undergoing a critical stage so the time and the place are not suitable,” noting that “The results of the meeting were not successful.”

“It was better for Maliki to hold the meeting in another province till the improving the situation in Kirkuk and settling the pending issues between the Central Government and Kurdistani Regional Government.”

Earlier, a number of Kurdish MPs described Maliki’s visit to Kirkuk and holding the meeting of the Council of Ministers in the province as “Provocative,” while the Kurdish Ministers within the government boycotted the meeting.