Sunday, September 29, 2024


INA emphasizes importance of upcoming national meeting

Baghdad ( The Iraqi National Alliance confirmed “The importance of holding the upcoming national meeting with the attendance of all the major political blocs and to speed up setting its agenda.”

A statement by the INA received by Iraqi News ( cited “The political committee of the INA held its periodical meeting with the attendance of all the representatives of the political sides within the Alliance and decided to re-announce the agreement which was held among the political sides during forming the government of the national partnership.”

“The INA listened to the details over the visit of the Deputy Premier, Hussien al-Shihristani, to the US and the UK and its results in the political and economic sides,” the statement added.

“The meeting discussed the latest political updates including the upcoming national meeting,” the statement mentioned.

“Concerning the law projects presented to the parliament, INA stressed the importance of speeding up nominating the members of the Independent High Electoral Commission,” the statement continued.

“The attendants exchanged the views concerning the law draft suggested to amend the Law of the provincial Elections NO. 36,” the statement pointed out.

“The INA stressed its support for the current government headed by the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, calling to activate its role in accomplishing its programs,” the statement concluded.