Friday, September 27, 2024


Barzani, Bulgarian officials discuss bilateral relations

Erbil ( The President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, met some Bulgarian officials in Bulgaria and discussed the mutual relations.

The website of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan cited “In a meeting, the President and the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov discussed ways to develop cooperation and investment opportunities in a number of fields including agriculture, energy, water resources and dams, education, health and tourism.”

According to the PUK website, Borisov stated “We would like to establish a strategic relationship with the Kurdistan Region and to this end we are prepared to work with you in a number of areas. We will encourage Bulgarian companies to explore trade and investment opportunities in Kurdistan and through Kurdistan as a gateway, in the rest of Iraq.”

Barzani stated that the Kurdistan RegionG is equally keen to establish strong ties with Bulgaria and it welcomes Bulgarian firms and investors to explore opportunities in Kurdistan,” the website added, noting that “The two agreed on the need for follow-up expert-level meetings and further visits between officials from both sides.”

The website pointed out “Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nickolay Mladenov, who also attended the meeting, said that Bulgaria has decided to reopen its embassy in Baghdad and it will also open a consulate in Erbil in 2012 to help strengthen ties and mutual cooperation.”

Barzani said “Our peoples have a lot in common. Both our peoples emerged from years of suffering under totalitarian regimes and are now living in freedom. We can learn much from each other and we are prepared to establish strong cooperation with your country.”