Saturday, September 21, 2024


MP criticizes Saudi Arabia representation in Arab Summit

Baghdad ( MP, Kareem Aliwi, of the Citizen bloc criticized the nomination of the Saudi Arabia for its ambassador in

Egypt to head its delegation in the Arab Summit in Baghdad. 

Speaking to Iraqi News ( “The representation of Saudi Arabia in the Summit is bad and a clear belittlement in Baghdad Summit that will discuss some important Arab issues.” 

This step shows the opposite of what Iraq has shown while dealing with Saudi Arabia by establishing the best relations in all fields,” he concluded.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia nominated its Ambassador to Egypt Ahmed al-Qattan to head the KSA delegation to the Arab Summit to be held in Baghdad next Thursday.

Informed source stated to Sunday “The KSA nominated its Ambassador to Egypt Ahmed Qattan to chair its delegation participating in the Arab Summit scheduled to be held in Baghdad on March 29th.” /End/