Friday, September 27, 2024


Kurdish MP calls to conduct comparison between Barzani with Maliki

Baghdad ( MP, Furhad al-Atroshi, of the Kurdistani Allaince called to conduct comparison between the President of

Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, and the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki to know who is characterized with dictatorship.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he stated “We call to conduct a logical and subjective comparison between Barazani and Maliki according to getting the post, running the government and the region,” noting that” we are saying that Barazani was elected in 2009 and got 70 % of the votes and this is called the best type of democracy which is the direct one.”

“If we are to compare the second part, we would see that Maliki’s party has got 89 seats which places it in the second position after the Iraqiya Slate that has got 91 seats,” he added,

He pointed out “In spite of the interpretation of the item 71 of the constitution which states that the biggest bloc to form the government, the government was delayed for eight months and would not be formed without the Barazani’s initiative and Erbil agreement.”

“According to this comparison, we can say that the closest part to dictatorship is the one who describes Barazani as a dictator, whereas Barzani is not running the security ministers and used most of the governmental institutions for him. We need the Iraqi people to be the judge in this issue and to understand this comparison,” he concluded.

Recently, the relations between the State of Law Coalition and the Kurdistani Alliance after Barazani’s rejection to hand over the judiciary wanted Vice-President, Tariq l-Hashimi, to Baghdad.