Friday, September 27, 2024


Araji: Barzani’s statements to create new crisis

Baghdad ( MP, Zuhair al-Araji, of the White bloc confirmed that “The statements of the President of kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, are going to create a new political crisis,” noting that “Iraqi has enough crises and disputes to destroy the political process.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The Kurds are divided into two sides, one side support Barzani in advocating the announcement of the Kurdish State while the other side adhere to one Iraq.”

He called “The political leaders to avoid tense statements because it harms the Iraqi political scene epecially if we consider that Iraq is going to host the Arab Summit,” he concluded.

Barzani has attacked the central government announcing that the Kurdish country will be announced soon, calling the political leader for an urgent meeting.

Recently, the relations between the State of Law Coalition and the Kurdistani Alliance witnessed some tensions as the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, in his speech at the Second National Conference for the Kurdistani Youth held in Erbil on Thursday, said “We will not hand over VP Hashimi because he came to Kurdistan Region to meet with the President Talabani,” calling “to settle his case through the three presidencies.”

For his part, Yasin Majeed, member of the State of Law Coalition criticized Barzani’s statements about his refusal to hand over the judicially wanted Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashimi.