Friday, September 20, 2024


Jaafary urges German Companies to Rebuild Infrastructures in Iraq

Baghdad ( Head of the Iraqi National Alliance Ibrahim al-Jaafary met with the adviser of the German ambassador in Iraq Willhilm Monsh and discussed the most important issues of interest for the two countries.

A statement by Jaafary’s office reported that “Jaafary invited the German companies to participate in developing the roads and building housing units in Iraq,” noting that “The Geman industry is advanced and Iraq can make use of it.”

“Jaafary invited the German companies to participate in rebuilding Iraqi infrastructures,” according to the statement, which added “Both sides also discussed possible means to sustain the joint cooperation between Iraq and Germany.”

The statement added that “The German adviser stressed that the German Companies try to work in Iraq and enter the Iraqi markets,” referring that “The hurdles which hinder these Companies must be solved to give them a chance to take part in rebuilding infrastructures in Iraq.”