Saturday, September 21, 2024


Saidi demands security support for Madaen, Zafaraniya areas

 Saidi demands security support for Madaen, Zafaraniya areas

Saidi demands security support for Madaen, Zafaraniya areas

Baghdad ( MP Riyadh al-Saidi of the Iraqi National Alliance demanded the security and defense parliamentary committee and the Commanding General of the Iraqi Armed Forces to send security support for Madaen district and Zafaraniya area to stop what he called “Security deterioration there.”

In a press conference held on Wednesday, he said “Madaen district witnessed several security breaches represented by the recent terrorist explosions near Diyala Bridge which killed and injured 14 civilians as well as killing 11 others in Wahada neighborhood in the same district in addition to assassination incidents by silenced weapons and adhesive explosives.”

“These repeated security breaches denote negligence of the security bodies from the top of the security pyramid to the base in preserving souls of the citizens,” he added.

MP Saidi mentioned “A list of security breaches as well as demands has been submitted to the Security and Defense Committee to be discussed with the security leaders in parliament on Wednesday.”