Saturday, September 21, 2024


10 arrested in Ninewa

NINEWA / Security forces in Ninewa captured 10 people, including four wanted persons, in different areas of the province on Saturday, a security source said. “A Mosul-based Iraqi army 2nd Division force detained today a dangerous wanted man and seized his vehicle in al-Tanak neighborhood, western Mosul,” the source told “Another army force captured six suspected men and seized three Kalashnikov assault rifles in their possession during a search raid in the areas of al-Sokkar and al-Baladiyat, northern Mosul,” the source said. The suspects are now under investigative custody, he said, not revealing further information on the detention. Another security source told that a joint Iraqi-U.S. force today conducted a search raid in the village of Faqeir, (10 km) south of Zammar district, arresting three wanted men. Zammar district lies 60 km western Mosul, the capital of Ninewa province, 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (S) 1