Friday, September 20, 2024


Death toll of Baquba bombing reaches 60 deaths, injuries

 Death toll of Baquba bombing reaches 60 deaths, injuries

Death toll of Baquba bombing reaches 60 deaths, injuries

Diyala, Baquba ( The death toll of the suicide bombing, which took place inside a mourning procession in Shafta village in Baquba city on last Monday, has reached sixty deaths and injuries.

A source of the Media Directorate of Diyala Health Department stated to on Tuesday that ”The casualties of the suicide bombing has reached 21 deaths, one of them a guard of the Commander of the Ground Forces, General Ali Ghaidan, and 39 injuries most of them are civilians.”
Security source mentioned to that ”The suicide bombing caused material damages to nine vehicles,” noting that “The security forces lifted the vehicle’s movement ban which was imposed on the background of the explosion.”

“The mourning procession was conducted due to the death of a member of tribal Support Council in Diyala province,” the source continued.

The correspondent of reported that ”The people of the village organized a funeral for the victims of the explosion demanding to replace the security leaders who are tasked to preserve the security of the village.” \