Friday, September 20, 2024


Armed group member netted in Mosul

NINEWA / An Iraqi army force captured a member of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq group after clashes in Western Mosul that left him wounded, a military source in Ninewa province said on Monday. “An army force conducted a search raid on Monday to arrest a person belonging to the armed group Islamic State of Iraq in the area of al-Rifaie, western Mosul. Clashes erupted between the force and the wanted man. He was arrested after he sustained wounds in his left leg,” the source told The Islamic State of Iraq, composed of seven extremist organizations, emerged in 2006 as an affiliate organization to al-Qaeda network. Its members are active in northern and central Iraqi provinces as well as parts of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. “The arrested man was threatening civilians with kidnapping and murder,” the source said, not giving more details. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1