Friday, September 27, 2024


Strict security measures in Kirkuk preparing to host CoM emergency session

Kirkuk ( The Cabinet will hold an exceptional session in Kirkuk province to be headed by the Premier Nour al-Maliki.

A source of Kirkuk Provincial Council mentioned to on Monday that “The preparations have begun to hold the session of the Cabinet in the province to discuss the reality of the province and the most important obstacles that face the investment and operational projects.”

The source added “Strict security measures have been imposed in Kirkuk and other provinces as a precautionary step for any attack.”

The session of the Cabinet was scheduled to be held in Kirkuk province on the 2nd of current May, but the session was postponed by the Premier without declaring the reasons behind the delay.

The Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has met the Ministers in an emergency session of the Council of Ministers in Basra province on last February to discuss the province’s problems and he announced that there are more sessions will be held in other provinces.