Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP Husseini criticizes lack of preparations by MoT for holy Ramadan

 MP Husseini criticizes lack of preparations by MoT for holy Ramadan

MP Husseini criticizes lack of preparations by MoT for holy Ramadan

Baghdad ( Member of the Economy and Investment Committee in Parliament MP Abed Resan al-Husseini of Ahrar Bloc, criticized lack of plans and preparations by the Trade of Ministry to receive the holy month of Ramadan. Husseini said that “The prices of the foodstuffs in the markets started to rise with approaching Ramadan due to the increasing demand on these materials by the citizens,” criticizing lack of plans by the MoT in this regard. He stressed “IF the Ministry of Trade thinks that five kilograms of flour for each family, half a kilo of basmati rice, quarter a kilo of lentils for each citizen are sufficient in a country that its annual budget reached $ 100 billion, then it is mistaken.” He emphasized the lack of any control by the concerned authorities on the growing rise in prices of food materials prior to the Fasting month.