Wednesday, September 25, 2024


4th oil licenses round differs from previous ones, says MP

 4th oil licenses round differs from previous ones, says MP

"4th oil licenses round differs from previous ones," says MP

Baghdad ( MP Salman al-Mousawi of the State of Law Coalition stressed that the 4th oil licenses round is important since it is different from the previous ones. Mousawi said “This round differs from the previous ones since it involves investing in new fields with dozen exploration blocks all over the country and that will contribute in increasing the exporting capacity of the crude oil and the strategic stockpiling as well as taking benefit of them through the petro- dollar project, unlike the previous rounds which included investing in earlier discovered fields.” “Some sides have demanded to postpone launching the 4th licenses round bid until settling the issue of Oil and Gas Law, but I belief that the licenses topic does not contradict with this law because there are specialized companies in the Ministry of Oil are able to supervise and manage these licenses,” he added. MoO decided to postpone offering the bids of the 6th gas exploration block which is situated between Najaf and Anbar provinces till, today, Thursday, under the companies’ request.