Sunday, September 22, 2024


Kurdish Delegation participates in training course in Singapore

 Kurdish Delegation participates in training course in Singapore

Kurdish Delegation participates in training course in Singapore

Erbil ( A delegation from Kurdistan Regional Government participates in a training course held in Singapore over administration, public services, control and financial administration as well as preparation for the electronic government.

A statement by the Patriotic union of Kurdistan PUK to on Friday cited “This training course is held in cooperation with the British College of Civil services,” noting that “This course comes within the projects of the Kurdistan RegionG to develop the performance of the key officials in Kurdistan Regional Government.”

“The course will last for a week where the participants of the course will visit centers of combating corruption, Ministry of Trade and Industry as well as the Technical Education Institute in Singapore,” the statement added.

“The delegation of the Kurdistan RegionG comprises the President of Salah-il-Din University as well as a number of advisors and general directors of different ministries within the Kurdistan RegionG,” the statement concluded.