Saturday, September 21, 2024


Two IIP members assassinated in Mosul

Iraq-U NINEWA / Unknown gunmen assassinated two members of the Iraqi Islamic Party (IIP) in two separate incidents in Mosul, said a source from Ninewa province’s police. “Principle of the Islamic Studies High School and member of the IIP, Marwan Nazar, was killed southwestern Mosul while he was on his way to work,” the source told “Teacher at the same school and also a member of the IIP, Abduljabbar Mohammed, was killed while he was driving western Mosul,” he added. He did not mention further details, but the IIP – Ninewa branch issued a release of condolences for losing two of its members. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. MH (P)/SR   1