Friday, September 20, 2024


Babel PC distributes electricity generators by installments

Babel, Hilla ( The provincial Council of Babel province decided to allocate IQD (5) billion to buy new electricity generators and sell it to owners of the old electricity generators through installment payment system.

The head of the Energy Committee in Babel Provincial Council, Akeel al-Seylawy, stated to on Friday that ”The whole funds will be divided to be obtained in installments distributed on three or five years,” noting that “The old generators could not provide electricity for ten hours daily because they became too old and are subject to many failures.”

He added that ”The Provincial Council observed reducing the complaints from the people after imposing fines on the owners of the electricity generators in case they did not commit to the operating stated time,” noting that “The fines ranged between IQD (250,000) and one million.”

Earlier, the Provincial Council of Babel province decided to impose finical fines, not less than IQD (250,000) and not to exceed one million, on the owners of the electricity power generators who would not commit to the specified operating hours or who obtain more than IQD (7000) for each Ampere, while in the same time, the Council allocated financial rewards for the best owners of electricity generators.