Sunday, September 22, 2024


Sheikh al-Qurashi passes away on Najaf province

Najaf ( The Islamic Scholar sheikh Baqir al-Sharif al-Qurashi passed away at his house in Najaf province on Sunday morning.

The office of al-Qurashi reported in statement to on Sunday that “The Sheikh has passed away at his house due to an incurable disease at his eighty five years,” noting that “The funeral ceremony will be conducted on Sunday afternoon to bury the body in the cemetery of Najaf province.”

The statement added ”The mourning procession will be launched on next Tuesday on Hananh mosque in the old city of Najaf province.”

Sheikh al-Qurashi was born in 1927 in Kasem city of Babel province and started to study the religious sciences since the early years of his age and he was the representative of the region authority in the area.

Then he moved to Najaf province to complete his religious study as he was tuaght by most notable scholars including the relgious authority the late Grand Ayatollah, Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei.

Al-Qurashi is the author of many books and he won several international awards.