Saturday, September 28, 2024


Kurdistan Region expects clear rise in number of tourists

 Kurdistan Region expects clear rise in number of tourists

Kurdistan Region expects clear rise in number of tourists

Arbil ( The General Bureau of Tourism in Kurdistan Region expected the number of the tourists in the Kurdistan Region to rise to million and a half during the current year. The Spokesperson of the GBT Nader Rusti said that “According to the plan of the Bureau for 2012, we anticipate the number of the tourists in Kurdistan Region to increase to 2,5 million if there were no problems or obstacles that hinder the tourism there.” He clarified that “In comparison to the last year, the percentage of the hotels and restaurants rose up to 25%.” According to Kurdistan News Agency, the Kurdistan Region involves a large number of resorts and tourism areas where tens of thousands of Iraqis and foreign tourists visit the Region yearly.