Friday, September 20, 2024


CoM rehabilitates martyr Othman’s house

 CoM rehabilitates martyr Othman’s house

CoM rehabilitates martyr Othman\

Baghdad ( The Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers announced launching a campaign to restore the house of the martyr Othman al-Obeidi who was drowned while saving the people in the “Imams Bridge” incident in Baghdad that occurred in 2005. A statement by SG cited “The Secretariat General is conducting maintenance and rehabilitation works to the house of the martyr Otman in Adhamiya neighborhood.” “The restoration work comes as part of the care shown towards the martyrs especially those who performed unique exploits in their love to Iraq and its people, among them the martyr al-Obeidi,” the statement added. It is mentioned that CoM had decided to grant Othman’s parents a monthly salary of “IQD 347,000” as compensation for the damage affected them due to the terrorist attacks.