Friday, September 20, 2024


Deadly snakes attack final exam centers in Dhi-Qar

 Deadly snakes attack final exam centers in Dhi-Qar

Deadly snakes attack final exam centers in Dhi-Qar

Dhi Qar ( A number of final exam centers were forced to delay the exams due to attacks of large snakes, known as Sayid Dekheel snake, for some schools in Dhi Qar province. A source in Dhi Qar Education Directorate cited “The Directorate decided to abolishe a number of examination centers in Sayid Dekheel district after attacking the centers by those deadly snakes.” “The Directorate addressed the concerned authorities to conduct prompt measures to combat these snakes for its danger on the citizens’ life in general and the pupils’ life in particular.” It is worth mentioning that Sayid Dekheel snake is one of the most dangerous and deadly kind of the snakes in the world in terms of poison severity as classified by Italian doctors when they visited the district in 2008. Some researchers attributed spreading such snakes in addition to other dangerous animals in Iraq, to the environmental change happening in the region most notably water scarcity and desertification.