Sunday, September 22, 2024


Babel Social Affairs Dept excludes 900 beneficiaries

 Babel Social Affairs Dept excludes 900 beneficiaries

Babel Social Affairs Dept excludes 900 beneficiaries

Babel, Hilla ( The Social Affairs Directorate of Babel province announced excluding (993) persons who were receiving salaries from the Directorate.

The Director of the welfare section Mohamed Kamer Abdul-Kadhem mentioned to on Friday “The Directorate in cooperation with the Local and Municipal Councils decided to reconsider the salaries of the network and decided to follow up the beneficiaries who submitted false documents to return the money of the salaries they received earlier from them.”

He added that “The Social Welfare Network in Babel considers adding some widows and divorced perosns from the districts and neighborhoods to receive salaries from the Directorate.” \