Friday, September 20, 2024


Harb: New law to confront human organs trade

Baghdad ( The legal expert Tariq Harb declared that the penalty of trading with human organs according to the new law can reach to “life in prison sentence while it was less than four years imprisonment sentence according to the old law.”

The legal expert announced in press statement commenting on arresting a gang trafficking with human organs that “The crime fits with the new law’s provisions which are issued by the Cabinet a month ago and it is the law no. (28) of 2012 over the Combat for Human Trade.”

He added that “This law became effective since it was published on the official newspaper on 23/ April /2012,” noting that “The sentence listed in the new law can reach to life in prison while the previous law was punishing for imprisonment sentence for four or less years.”

The security forces arrested a gang, few days ago on Bataween neighborhood of central Baghdad, trafficking with human organs.

The gang members seduce the people who are coming from other provinces to sell their organs in return of IQD (5) million and conduct the surgery operation in Kurdistan Region.