Sunday, September 22, 2024


Samara General Hospital cloed after attack

Salah-il-Din, Tikrit ( Samara General Hospital of southern Salah-il-Din province has closed its doors and stopped receiving any more patients after the repeated attack that targeted the cadres of the Hospital by members of Police force and Sahwa elements on Friday morning.


The Director of the hospital Omar al-Obaidi stated to on Friday “The doors of the Samara General Hospital have been closed because the hospital was attacked again on Friday morning by two police elements who were among the same group of security elements that attacked the medical cadres of Samara General Hospital at a late hour of Thursday night.” 


The hospital’s Director added that “The hospital contacted Salah-il-Din Governorate who promised to send security force to provide protection to the hospital and to ensure not to attack the medical team of the hospital again.” 

Obaidi continued saying that “The hospital will resume its usual works after providing the required protection and preventing any attacks against the staff of the hospital.” 

A group of policemen and Sahwa elements have beaten the members of the medical team of Samara General Hospital of southern Salah-il-Din province after the death of their colleague due to a car accident.