Friday, September 20, 2024


U.S. army says nabbed 14 AQI members in 24 hours

BAGHDAD / Coalition forces detained 14 suspects, including five wanted men, during operations targeting terrorist networks throughout Iraq Monday and Tuesday, according to a U.S. army statement. “Coalition force continued to dismantle al-Qaeda in Iraq command and control networks Monday. During an operation in Mosul, forces captured a suspected terrorist believed to be involved in the network’s media operations,” read statement as received by “Two additional suspects believed to be the wanted man’s associates were detained for further questioning. “Further south in Baiji, 160 km south of Mosul, forces detained one suspect Monday assessed to be linked to AQI leaders in Anbar province. A related operation Tuesday in the city resulted in the capture of a wanted man and his associate also believed to have connections to Anbar AQI personalities. “Forces in Baghdad captured a wanted man Monday who is believed to be associated with a local AQI car bomb and improvised explosive device cell in the city. “During an operation Monday night in Tikrit, 160 km north of Baghdad, forces captured a suspected terrorist who reports suggest helps finance AQI operations. “Additionally, the man is believed to provide weapons and safe houses for AQI operatives. Another suspect assessed to be his associate was also detained during the operation. “Also Monday, Coalition forces continued to pressure AQI networks in Karmah, about 40 km west of Baghdad, and detained one suspect allegedly associated with area AQI leaders. “To the west in Ramadi, a joint operation Tuesday between Coalition and Iraqi forces resulted in the capture of a wanted man who reports suggest has connections to leaders in a Baghdad-based terrorist network. One additional suspect was also detained. “Early Tuesday in Ash Shurah, 34 km south of Mosul, Coalition forces detained two suspects during an operation targeting Mosul AQI leaders.” AmR (S) 1