Saturday, September 28, 2024


Barzani’s receipt for Davutoglu aims at creating confusion, says Musawi

 Barzani’s receipt for Davutoglu aims at creating confusion, says Musawi


Baghdad ( MP, Salman al-Musawi, of the State of Law Coalition pointed out that “The President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, aims at creating a confusion by receiving the Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu, and allowing him to visit Kurdistan Region as well as Kirkuk without notifying the Federal Government.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The critical files against Barzani represented by the smuggling of the oil, the armament of Pishmirga and his violation for the borders of some provinces made him attempting to create a crisis with Turkey.”

“It would be better for Davutoglu to visit Baghdad then Kurdistan Region,” he added, stressing that “Turkey is the first to be negatively affected if the Iraqi Government decide to stop dealing with the Turkish Companies which have about 15 billions investments in Iraq.”

“All the regions and the provinces do not have the right to participate in such issues with the Federal Government,” he mentioned.

“Davutoglu’s visit without notifying the Federal Government violates the international diplomatic norms,” he concluded.

Earlier, the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu has arrived in Kirkuk after visiting Erbil.

Davutoglu has arrived to Kurdistan Region on last Wednesday where the Premier of Kurdistan Region, Nijirvan Barzani, has received him in Erbil airport.

The Iraqi Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the visit and considered it as a violation for Iraq’s sovereignty.