Sunday, September 29, 2024


Saad: Security officials informed previously over attack against Anti-Terrorism Dept.

 Saad: Security officials informed previously over attack against Anti-Terrorism Dept.

Saad: Security officials informed previously over attack against Anti-Terrorism Dept.

Baghdad ( The leader within Fadhila Party, MP Suzan al-Saad, revealed that “The security officials have previous information about the plot of the terrorist groups to attack the Anti-Terrorism Department to release the Qaeda detainees, yet they did not take the required measures.”

She said in a press release “Despite the fact that these information were received since a long time ago, the security officials did not take any precautionary measures to confront this attack.”

“The presence of such criminals inside the detentions centers encourages more plots if the specialized sides do not issue death verdicts against them as soon as possible,” she continued.

She called “The General Commander of the Armed Forces, Nouri al-Maliki to form an investigation committee over this attack and to replace the security leaders who are behind the deterioration of the security situation.”

She stressed “The importance of the intelligence efforts to avoid such security breaches.”