Saturday, September 28, 2024


Nusayif calls legislative authority to announce its stance concerning Davutoglu’s visit

 Nusayif calls legislative authority to announce its stance concerning Davutoglu’s visit

Nusayif calls legislative authority to announce its stance concerning Davutoglu\

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif of the Iraqiya Hurra bloc called “The legislative authority to announce its stance concerning Kurdistan Region permission to the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu, to visit Kirkuk province.”

She stated to “The Iraqi Constitution grants the authorities of the foreign policies to the Federal Government only,” noting that “The Kurdistani Regional Government and the Kurdish politicians participated in writing this constitution and voting on it.”

“Kirkuk is still among the disputed areas so Kurdistan RegionG has no right to receive foreign official in this province which belongs to the Federal Government,” she stressed.

“The parliament has to announce its stance towards the visit that violates Iraq’s sovereignty because it was conducted without notifying the central government,” she mentioned.

“The parliament has the duty to take the required procedures concerning this clear violation for the constitution by handing over a protest to the Turkish Embassy or by sending a delegation to Turkey to announce rejecting this visit that contradicts the diplomatic norms,” she concluded.

Earlier, the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu, has arrived in Kirkuk after visiting Erbil.

Davutoglu has arrived to Kurdistan Region on last Wednesday where the Premier of Kurdistan Region, Nijirvan Barzani, has received him in Erbil airport.

The Iraqi Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the visit and considered it as a violation for Iraq’s sovereignty.