Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nusayif urges government to call Kuwait to bring back 4 oilers belong to SOC

 Nusayif urges government to call Kuwait to bring back 4 oilers belong to SOC

Nusayif urges government to call Kuwait to bring back 4 oilers belong to SOC

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif, of the Hurra Iraqiya bloc urged “The Iraqi Government to call upon Kuwait to bring back 4 oilers belong to Iraqi South Oil Company.”

She mentioned in a press statement “As the Kuwaiti sides are still calling for compensations for 1990 war and as the parliament voted on allocating 300 $ millions to be paid for the Kuwaiti Airlines as compensations, we did not recognize any side calling to bring back the four oilers which were seized in 1991.”

“The four oilers include Hitien, which has the capacity 155.000 tons of oil, Tariq Bin Ziyad, its capacity 125.000 tons, al-Mutanabi, its capacity 135.000 tons, and Fao of 100.000 tons capacity in addition to the oiler, named Qadisiya,” she continued.

“These oilers were confiscated by the Kuwaiti authorities while they were parked in al-Shieba seaport,” she added.

“The government must call the Kuwaiti side to bring back these oilers or to pay compensations for Iraq if they damaged,” she concluded.