Monday, September 30, 2024


Diala police say ready to receive security responsibilities

DIALA / The Diala police chief on Thursday said that his forces are ready to receive security responsibilities in the province early next year. “There are several indications that the Diala police are ready to receive security tasks in the province, like the great parade held by the police department last week in which 2500 personnel took part,” Maj. General Abdelhussein al-Shimari told He pointed out that the Diala police comprise 20,000 officers and soldiers, a number he said can be increased next year to reach 25,000 personnel. “We were able to secure protection for the displaced families that returned to their original dwelling places. Only this week, 100 families returned to their homes, brining the number up to 2,500 out of a total 27,000 families,” he said. The Iraqi security authorities have been handed over responsibilities in 13 provinces from the Multi-National Force (MNF). Only Baghdad, Diala, Salah al-Din, Kirkuk and Ninewa provinces are left. Diala lies 57 km northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P) 1