Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iran invites Arab League SG to attend Non-alignment Summit

( The Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed bin Hili, received, on Wednesday, the Director Manager of the Management of the Middle East and North Africa Affairs in the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Hamid Bayat, where bin Hili received from the Iranian official an invitation to the Secretary General of the Arab League, Nabil al-Arabi, to participate in the Non-alignment Summit.

The Iranian official announced in statements to the journalists after the meeting that “I handed over the AL Deputy Secretary General, the invitation of the Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salihi, to participate in the Summit of Non-alignment Movement to be held in Tehran at the end of August.”

He stressed “The necessity to keep in touch with the AL in order to reach solutions for the crises that sweep the region.”