Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nusayif urges Government to convince Russia to terminate UN sanction on Iraq

 Nusayif urges Government to convince Russia to terminate UN sanction on Iraq

Nusayif urges Government to convince Russia to terminate UN sanction on Iraq

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif, of the Iraqiya Hurra bloc called Iraqi Government to “exert diplomatic efforts to convince Russia to releif Iraq from the UN’s Chapter No. 7.”

She said in a statement by the Media Office of the bloc “Russia is currently responsible for supervising the work of the special Committee to consider keeping Iraq under the international sanctions stated by the UN Charter’s seventh Chapter as it is among the permanent members in UN Security Council so it can play important role in ending the UN sanctions on Iraq.”

“It is necessary to persuade Russia to tackle this issue realistically and rationally since Iraq is no longer a threat for the International peace and security, also it is unfair to keep this file related to the Kuwaiti will after settling all the pending issue between Iraq and Kuwait and what is left does not worth keeping Iraq under these international sanctions,” she added.

“Therefore, the Government has to exert diplomatic efforts to achieve this goal and settle this file after passing 20 years,” Nusayif urged.

It is worth to mention that Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has invited the PM Maliki to visit Russia and it is expected to conduct this visit in the near future.