Friday, September 20, 2024


2 missiles land on U.S. base in Salah al-Din

SALAH AL-DIN / Two missiles landed on a U.S. military base south of Tikrit city on Friday, a police source in Salah al-Din province said, not indicating whether the attack left casualties. “Two missiles landed on the military base of Anaconda (formerly al-Bakr) in the area of Yathrib, Balad district, south of Tikrit,” the source told “The two missiles caused a powerful explosion and plumes of smoke were seen rising over the U.S. base,” the source added. He said that U.S. choppers were seen hovering overhead in the area for hours after the incident. Tikrit, the capital city of Salah al-Din, lies 175 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1