Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurds urge China to invest in Kurdistan

Kurdistan-China SULAIMANIYA / Chairman of the Sulaimaniya chamber of commerce called on the Chinese government to encourage its companies to invest in Kurdistan region, noting that there are four Chinese companies working in the region. This came during a meeting the chairman of the Sulaimaniya chamber of commerce Hassan Hourami and the new Chinese ambassador to Iraq and his accompanying delegation. Hourami told that he met the new ambassador to discuss economic and commercial relations between China and Iraq’s Kurdistan region, urging the Chinese government to encourage companies to invest in the region. “The visit aims to renew trace and economic relations between Kurdistan and China,” he noted. For his part, the Chinese ambassador voiced his country’s support to the Kurdish people saying there are a deep-rooted relations between Chinese and Iraqi people. He said the Chinese government is interested in boosting ties with the region through encouraging companies to invest in it. SH (P)/SR 1