Monday, September 23, 2024


Criminals arrested in Babel

 Criminals arrested in Babel

Criminals arrested in Babel

Babel, Hilla ( A security force arrested the criminals who are responsible for detonating Akrameen playground in Hilla city on last June.

The Deputy Chairman of the Security Committee in Babel province, Hassan Kreday, stated to on Thursday that ”The security forces arrested ten persons who are responsible for the bombing that took place in Akrameen playground and resulted in killing and injuring many civilians some of them are football players,” noting that “The arrest operation was based on intelligence information.”

He added that ”One of the detainees was a security element who participated in facilitating and implementing the bombing operation,” noting that “The detainees confessed implementing armed operations in Diwaniya province and in northern Babel.”

Earlier, an Adhesive Explosive Device AED was attached to a vehicle transporting football players, exploded on last June and resulted in killing and injuring 26 players in Hilla city the capital of Babel. \