Saturday, October 5, 2024


Iqbal denounces provocative behaviors of ISF

 Iqbal denounces provocative behaviors of ISF

Iqbal denounces provocative behaviors of ISF

Baghdad ( MP Mohammed Iqbal of the Wasat Alliance within the Iraqiya Slate criticized the behaviors of some security elements, within the Iraqi Security Forces ISF coming from Baghdad, in certain provinces.

MP Iqbal stated to Iraqi News Friday “The provocative behaviors of some security elements intend to instigate others and play on strings of sectarian sedition which creates conflicts among Iraqis,” calling to “reconsider the behaviors and punish these bad elements.”

“We do not include all the elements of the ISF by this criticism but it covers those elements who were enlisted from the militias and other practices away from the balance principle,” he added.

Earlier, MP Noura al-Bajari of the IS has revealed that she has been subject to harassment from members of the Anti-Terrorism units in Nineveh province.