Friday, September 20, 2024


Saad urges to develop intelligence efforts in Iraq

 Saad urges to develop intelligence efforts in Iraq

Saad urges to develop intelligence efforts in Iraq

Baghdad ( MP, Suzan al-Saad, of the Iraqi National Alliance, held “Both of the legislative and the executive authorities the responsibility of failure of the Intelligence Service, attributing this failure to lack of allocating enough sums of money to promote this vital department, consequently led to escalating the terrorist operations.”

She said in a statement “If the Central Government is unable to provide a special budget for the Intelligence service, then the local governments need to adopt this issue and allocate funds from thier budgets for this propose to be able to eliminate terrorist groups that centralize in their provinces.”

She confirmed “All the Arabic and international regimes give fundamental importance to the Intelligence service as it represents the basis in fighting terrorism particularly through supply this service with competent elements and support them financially and morally as well as dispensing with incompetent ones.”

She urged “The security forces to intensify the search-raids in the orchards and farms especially provinces of in Basra, Babel, Kut, Diyala and north of Baghdad which represents the main areas of the terrorist groups.”