Sunday, September 22, 2024


Shihaili calls to verify Karbouli’s involvement in corruption by Judiciary

 Shihaili calls to verify Karbouli’s involvement in corruption by Judiciary

Shihaili calls to verify Karbouli\

Baghdad ( Member in the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Jawad al-Shihaili called “All sides which have documents prove involvement of specific side in corruption cases, to provide them to the Judiciary to avoid a political conflicts.”

He stated to “Parliamentary Integrity Committee referred many files to the Integrity Commission to be submitted to the Judiciary,” pointing out that ‘The Committee suffers from the delay in settling the files related to corruption.”

He added that “l think if this problem continued, Iraq will be the last country in fighting corruption.”

He revealed “About influential figures who attempt to keep many issues related to corruption to use them as a means of pressure on the political blocs,” noting that “The ruling party has many characters involved in corruption.”

Concerning the issue of CDs presented by the Finance Minister, Rafa al-Issawi to a local TV channel which indicates involvement of the Industry Minister, Ahmed al-Karbouli, and his brother, Head of Hal bloc, Jamal al-Karbouli in corruption cases, Shihaili stressed that “Issawi was better to provide this CD to the Judiciary rather than to media in order to avoid the conflicts among the political blocs.”

“All what have been said are mere words and there were no documents presented to verify this issue,” calling “Whoever has documents that prove involvement of the Industry Minister in corruption case to present them to the parliamentary Integrity Committee.”