Saturday, September 21, 2024


Mid-Euphrates Airport to be managed by Babel, Karbala, Najaf

 Mid-Euphrates Airport to be managed by Babel, Karbala, Najaf

Mid-Euphrates Airport to be managed by Babel, Karbala, Najaf

Babel ( The Provincial Council of Babel province voted unanimously on “The participation of each of Karbala, Babil and Najaf provinces in managing the airport of Mid-Euphrates which is hopefully established in the land among the three provinces.”

Babel PC demanded to “Erect Hilla Grand Airport to be allocated to the commercial cargos.”

The Head of the Investment Committee in the PC, Mahdi Aakul, stated to “The participation will be equal for the three provinces as it is considered as one of the strategic projects,” noting that “provides services to Babel and Middle Euphrates provinces in addition to developing the infrastructures in the province.”

“IQD 600 million was allocated by the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki for accomplishing this project,” he added.

Aakul pointed out that “Intensive discussions were conducted between the local government and Babel Investment Commission with the French Company which assumes the designation of the airport according to the international standards.”

It is worth to mention that the former Minister of Transportation, Amir Abdul Jabbar, had set on March, 2010, the corner stone for Midd-Euphrates airport which is located 27 km to the south of Karbala.

The topic of establishing the airport roused disputes between Karbala PC and the MoT because of an intention to erect oil refinery near this airport which may hinder this project.