Sunday, September 22, 2024


Saidi describes investigating PM Maliki as “Sacred process”

 Saidi describes investigating PM Maliki as “Sacred process”

Saidi describes investigating PM Maliki as \"Sacred process\"

Baghdad ( The Independent MP Sabah al-Saidi revealed his receiving “threatening messages of death if he insists on investigating officials.”

The member of the Integrity Parliamentary Committee told Iraqi News ( that “I have received a lot of political and security threatening letters, the most recent ones we handed it over to the Chairman of the Security and Defense parliamentary Committee and they were threatening messages of death if we insist on investigating and punishing of some officials or political leaders for violating law charges or those who committed financial corruption.”

He added that “I think that interrogating the Prime Minister is a constitutional right and a unique sacred process in Iraq and parliament should be proud of it.”

Saidi said that “Accusations of conspiracy and sedition for those who are involved in preparing for questioning Maliki are mere excuses to evade punishment and to keep certain figures above the Constitution and the law as leaders for the country and no one can blame them even if they are spoiled or failures or a cause of disuniting the country or braking out the civil war in the country,” noting that “This cannot be tolerated, whatever the consequences and pressures.”

Some reports talked about expectations that the independent MP Sabah al-Saidi might be among the candidates to investigate the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on charges related to the constitution breaches and violating human rights.