Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Mayahi confirms White bloc support for breaking all commercial relations with Turkey

Baghdad ( The leader within the White bloc, Aziz al-Mayahi, announced “His bloc’s support for the stance of the Trade Minister, Khier Allah Babakir, over breaking all the commercial relations and the deals with Turkey.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Turkey practiced a lot of violations against Iraq without the respecting the diplomatic relations between the two countries.”

“White bloc support the Trade Minister stance if Turkey insisted on implementing its policies in reducing Iraq’s share of water,” he added.

“Such stance will urge Turkey to stop its violations and to reconsider its method in dealing with Iraq,” he stressed.

He called “All the Ministries to take a similar stance to pressurize Turkish companies in Iraq till the Turkish government reconsiders its relations with Iraq on the basis of the mutual relations.”