Friday, September 20, 2024


Mansouri: USA, Israel plan to enhance sectarian strife in Iraq

 Mansouri: USA, Israel plan to enhance sectarian strife in Iraq

Mansouri: USA, Israel plan to enhance sectarian strife in Iraq

Baghdad ( MP, Hassan al-Mansouri, of the Ahrar bloc assured that “The deterioration in the security situation is caused by the political disputes and non-settling the file of the security ministries,” noting that “Targeting the prayers is a US plan to devote the sectarian strife in Iraq.”

Mansouri confirmed to “The political crisis and the lack of settlement for the security ministries file is the key reason behind destabilizing the security posture where the leadership of the security ministries is confined to one person which in turn creates security problems as there is no minister for Defense and another for Interior ministry who can carry out their tasks properly.”

He added “Targeting the worshipers is clearly US plan and the USA wants to bring us back to the period of sedition strife for they do not want the best for Iraq.”

“They failed in the military aspect in Iraq but they succeeded in planting sectarianism and they try to establish sectarianism strife in every country that is gripped by tensions just like what happened in Syria and in Iraq after the fall of the former regime,” he added.

“What is happening is an American, Israeli scheme that aims at weakening the Muslims and dismantle their unity,” Mansouri emphasized.

It is worth to mention that the Sadr City has witnessed two bombings by explosive devices targeted the prayers during the Friday sermon which was conducted near Martyr Sadr Office in eastern Baghdad.