Saturday, September 21, 2024


MoO denies rumors of distributing dates as Eid al-Fitr rewards in South Gas Co.

Baghdad ( The Ministry of Oil denied the news which reported that “The Director General of Southern Gas Company in Basra province deprived the employees of the Company from the financial grants of Eid al-Fitr.”

A source in the Ministry cited to “These reprots are groundless and the Director of the Company granted according to his authorities IQD 50,000 to each employee within the Company.”

“As for accusing the Director General of the Company of substituting the financial reward by dates, we confirm that these rumors are untrue and the distribution of dates was just a gift granted along with the financial bonus,” the source added.

It is worth to mention that some media sources have announced that the Director General of the Company, Ali Hussein Khudhair, deprived the Shell Dutch Company which implements the gas fields project of the Company from distributing the Eid financial rewards among the employees and replacing them by dates.