Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sadrist MP reveals Saudi-Qatari plan to target southern central provinces

 Sadrist MP reveals Saudi-Qatari plan to target southern central provinces

Sadrist MP reveals Saudi-Qatari plan to target southern central provinces

Baghdad ( MP, Audi Awad, of al-Ahrar bloc revealed that there is a plan by Saudi Arabia and Qatar to purchase the weapons and smuggle it to the southern and central provinces to create a sectarian sedition, noting that “The security situation is not satisfactory.”

In a press statement received by on Monday, he said “The p;rocesso f purchasing the weapons from the citizens in the southern and cenetral provice with a very high price, aims to make those areas out of weapons in the future. “

“The project aims to support the purchase process in those process that are of Shitte citizens and make them out of weapons in order to create a sectarian sedition in the future,” he added.

“This process is dangerous and a big threat to a big constitutnt in Iraq,” he pointed out.

“The citizens are not satified with the security situation due to the security breaches, so, they possess the weapons that can protect them,” he concluded.