Saturday, September 21, 2024


Diyala complains about small investment budget

Diyala, Baquba ( The Diyala Deputy Governor, Furat al-Temimi, described the investment federal budget which is allocated for Diyala province as “shameful.”

Temimi stated to Iraqi News on Friday that ”Some ministries have deprived Diyala province from its investment budget,” stressing that ”Its really shameful to discuss it, since it does suit at all the needs of the province from the investment and construction projects especially in infrastructure field.”

He added that ”The local government is considering to develop the architectural format for the province over the next (25) years in coordination with the Ministry of Planning in reconstruction the infrastructure and activating the agriculture and industrial sectors.”

The provincial councils have demanded during a conference held in Wassit to have their shares of the revenues incured from oil exports from Kurdistan Region, rejecting the amendements on the Provinces not included by Regions’s law No. 21 of 2008.