Monday, September 23, 2024


Parliament chairmanship meets with leaders of political blocs, Parliamentary Committees

Baghdad ( The parliament chairmanship held a meeting with the heads of the political blocs and the heads of the Parliamentary Committees to discuss nominating the members of the Independent High Electoral Commission.

A statement by the parliament chairmanship received by on Tuesday cited “The parliament Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, headed a meeting for the heads of the political blocs and the Parliamentary Committees in addition to the head and members of the committee that is responsible for nominating the new board of Commissioners of the IHEC in addition to some other crucial law drafts.”

“Nijaifi stated that delay in nominating the new board of Commissioners of IHEC makes the parliament in a critical situation and this law draft must be endorsed as soon as possible, calling the specialized committee to submit the names of the candidates during the next two days to vote on them,” the statement added.

“The participants decided to transfer the supplementary budget law draft to the Parliamentary Legal Committee to check the possibility of submitting it to the parliament once again after rejecting it previously,” the statement pointed out.

“Nijaifi stated that the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, will be hosted in the next parliament session to discuss the law draft of the infrastructure and the service sectors,” the statement concluded.