Friday, September 27, 2024


Samarrai from Egypt calls Arab States to eliminate Shiite control over Iraq

 Samarrai from Egypt calls Arab States to eliminate Shiite control over Iraq

Samarrai from Egypt calls Arab States to eliminate Shiite control over Iraq

Follow Up ( The Secretary General of the Iraqi Islamic Party, Ayad al-Samarrai, called the Arab States to have active presence in Iraq in order to eliminate the Shiite domination over the ruling system in Iraq, describing, the death verdict issued against the fugitive Vice-President Tariq al-Hashimi as “political verdict.”

Speaking to the Sada al-Balad (Egyptian newspaper), Samarrai said “The Arab Countries and Egypt as well as the Islamic States are demanded to have more openness and official communication with Iraq to eliminate the Shiite domination on the government in Iraq since the Shiite are ruling Iraq and they are cooperating with Iran.”

He added “Sectarianism will increase in Iraq if it was kept away from its Arab environment,” noting that “The Sunni community is suppressed in Iraq and we are trying to overcome the sectarian and confessional situation in Iraq through unity among the Shiite, Sunni or Kurdish parties and adopting political and economic programs to leave the decision for the voters to decide which is the best for the country.”

“The Sunni sect is the weakest part in the sectarian equation in Iraq since the Kurds are allied with the Shiite,” according to Samarrai, who mentioned that “Many Sunni politicians and leaders were assassinated by car bombs or silenced weapons attacks conducted by Qaeda Organization for the benefit of other parts in Iraq since the Syrian and Iranian authorities have clear influence in Iraq to weaken the Sunni community.”

The Secretary General of the IIP criticized keeping the posts of the Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior vacant all this time, considering it another reason for the security breaches and the violation of human rights in Iraq.

Concerning the Death Verdict issued against the VP Hashimi, Samarrai said “I think Hashimi is innocent of all charges against him since his request to transfer the trial to Kirkuk or Kurdistan region was rejected by the authorities in Baghdad while other requests were approved.”

He emphasized that “The statements of the witnesses in Hashimi’s case were taken under torture.”

Samarrai also assured that “The US forces have withdrawn from Iraq, leaving the security companies which are tasked with protecting the US and other foreign embassies in Baghdad and the security situation is improving gradually.”