Saturday, September 28, 2024


Baghdad, Erbil reach agreement over paying oil companies’ dues in Kurdistan Region

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Federal Government agreed with Kurdistan Regional Government to pay the dues of the oil companies operating in the Region and raise the oil production into 200,000 barrels per day.

The official Iraqiya Sat Channel announced in an urgent news on Thursday that “A meeting was held between the two Governments to settle the pending issues between both sides where the meeting reached an agreement to pay the dues of the oil companies working at the Kurdistan and to continue exporting the oil and increase its production of oil up to 200,000 barrel per day.”

Earlier, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan, Najervan Barzani, has declared on last Wednesday sending a delegation from Kurdistan RegionG to Baghdad to confer about paying the dues of the oil companies working in the Kurdistan,” noting that “In case we reach a compromise we will continue the oil export and if we could not reach an agreement then we will take another steps in this regard, stressing the Region’s continuity in exporting the oil up to this day.”